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Full Version: sid texts with wild abandon [RE: Last Day SL][attn: bunchapeeps]
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Late - like late-late Sunday (or Saturday, whichever night the movie screening happened, so before the news article) night - several of Denver's mages get a text from everyone's favorite Orphan (unless one of the other Orphans are their favorite in which case they are WRONG).

To Sera:

Did you hear about L'Ultimo Giorno horror movie? Is bad news. Does your mojo reach ShockDrop Films? Need to meet someone. Thx

To Hawksley:

Met someone of the Order. Can you see if he's trustworthy? Trent Harrison from Shawmut Boston. Number's [phone number]. Thx

To Grace, Shoshannah (? I think she has a cell phone?), Mara (? I think Sid still has her number?), and Eleanor (straight up assuming Sid has her number (unless she doesn't)):

Took Trent to hosp. Thinks movie is gate to monster prison. Need to get movie. Trying to meet Joshua Keller to locate. Trent: [phone number]
Mara would text back:

I found out what that creepy crawly was, it's something called a Ghul, its from the underworld or some craziness. Also, snuck back into the theater, someone already nabbed the film and headed south. Lost track, :[
And Shoshannah, who does have a shiny new pay-as-you-go mobile with minutes and a text limit she will probably never come anywhere near hitting messages back:

I think I've heard of Ghul, or something like. I'll poke around, see what I can find out.
It takes time for Hawksley to respond to Sid's text. Not days or weeks but hours. And when he does, it is short:

I have < 0 pull with the Order.

It's a very brief way of saying that he doesn't know, and he either doesn't have a way to find out or isn't willing to try. Thanks, Hawksley, you're super helpful in a pinch.


Eleanor, whose number is in fact in Sid's phone, well... for her part, she does not respond at all.

[However, Eleanor may be reaching out to Trent. Sam, if you and I ever get matched up times...]
Grace texts back:
I'll see what I can find out about JK.

Because, you know, everybody's got a Facebook, everybody's Googleable. Not everybody can crack a person's email server, but if it comes to that, she can.

And it's something she can do from her apartment, which is nice. If Joshua Keller turns out to have an insect head he's hiding under a really good human mask, Grace really would rather not be there in person.
It takes longer than you might expect for SerafĂ­ne to respond to Sid's text. Not hours but: days. God knows where the fuck she's been or why the fuck she couldn't respond to texts whereever she was but she didn't. And doesn't. For days.

And still, somehow she finds Sid's text amidst the avalanche of messages she has been discarding and ignoring or what-the-fuck ever. Maybe she lost her phone.

Will see what I can do. Need details, though. Want to come over?

Then, to add to the incentive:

We have red velvet cake.


Sid's replies are a lot quicker than her player's have been. They arrive very shortly after the responses she gets.

To Hawksley:

K thx

If she feels any disappointment in the Hermetic (which she doesn't), well it wouldn't have shown up in text form, anyway.


To Sera:

K when?

And, after she's been bribed with cake (is it a lie? (it's Sera so of course not)):

Might bring Jim fyi
Responses from Sera to Sid arrive in the following order:

[x]day? (AKA: whenever we do this thing.)


And then:

Sure thing. Smile

And then, a little while later:

Q: was that a suggestion to me or a statement of intent from you?




And then, a little while later:

A heads up, I'll ask him
Uh so yeah. This shows up on Sid's phone:

Exclamation Cool Big Grin Wink Smile Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Cool Heart