RE: Lurky McLurkerson - Andrew - 06-04-2013
Well, I'm trying to get a sheet done on paper so I can type it up in the computer lab or something, but if this doesn't get done you have Asher to blame.
RE: Lurky McLurkerson - jamie - 06-05-2013
Cat, get out of here. You can't even hold a pencil.
RE: Lurky McLurkerson - errin - 06-05-2013
Cats can totally hold pencils:
RE: Lurky McLurkerson - CourtCat - 06-05-2013
.....I love you guys.
RE: Lurky McLurkerson - kai - 06-05-2013
I don't know what this means or what it's from, but it looks like someone already knows what happens when cats get pencils: