One shot! - HDub - 09-06-2017
Hey lovelies, I plan on running a one-shot Wednesday, September 13th. What does everyone's schedule look like? Who is down for debauchery?
RE: One shot! - sky - 09-07-2017
I have class Wednesdays until about 6-630p Mountain Time. And HOPEFULLY I'll have internet by then! Otherwise I'm totes down to clown!
RE: One shot! - HDub - 09-07-2017
Score! I will try to keep it short and get everyone out by 11:00 CST at the latest. Everyone who is down can do a little forum set up too. We have a week beforehand so let's make it awesome!
RE: One shot! - vesta - 09-07-2017
I appear to be not working and nocturnal, so debauchery sounds good to me!
(I'm also not working and nocturnal for the rest of the week, so if anyone fancies a random scene or two...)
RE: One shot! - jamie - 09-08-2017
RE: One shot! - FadedNoel - 09-09-2017
Indeed, if I wouldn't clog up the one-shot with too many peeps.
RE: One shot! - HDub - 09-09-2017
Four people is good so long as we agree to posting time limits
RE: One shot! - sky - 09-13-2017
Bleh, I hate to do this kinda last-minute-ish, but I'm going to need to bow out on account of Mountain O' Homework. Sorry!
RE: One shot! - HDub - 09-13-2017
It is okay! I need to give you a heads up that I maaaaaaay be late to this. I'm going to dinner for a birthday thing and I don't know how long it'll take for me to get back
RE: One shot! - HDub - 09-13-2017
So! We have sick people and busy people and an ST who miiiight be late. How is next Tuesday/Wednesday?