News Reports: Violence Mars Screening of Infamous Horror Film - Samael - 09-10-2013
- Reported in all the local papers, as well as similar (albeit live) reports on the 10 o'clock news on Saturday night (September 7th).
Quote:Violence mars screening of infamous 'lost' horror film
(Byline: Chad Cardenas)
The screening of a horror film long-thought lost broke out in tragic violence on Friday night, costing four people their lives. Police responded to calls from security employed by the Gateway Film Festival at the Mayan Theater in Denver when a screening of the 1949 Italian horror film L'Ultimo Giorno turned into a riot inside the theater. Police officials said that seventeen people were injured in the melee and that four lost their lives.
According to police spokeswoman Daphne Conley the screening was being hosted by ShockDrop Films, a Denver-based film production company that specializes in low-budget horror and science fiction films as well as mail order DVDs of licensed rare films from the 1940s and 1950s. Conley said that investigators were still looking into what happened and said that there had been no evidence yet to support reports that shots were fired inside the studio. The names of the deceased are being withheld while family members are notified.
L'Ultimo Giorno is infamous among horror buffs for being screened only once previously, soon after its completion in 1949 in Vienna, Italy. Reports are difficult to substantiate but it is known that a riot broke out then as well, resulting in the death of at least one individual. Conley refused to comment on the idea that investigators were looking for a connection between the two, instead suggesting that the use of hallucinogenic substances may have been the cause of mass hysteria.
ShockDrop Films spokesperson Jane Carole refused comment when asked about the incident or the whereabouts of studio president Joshua Keller, who was present at the screening. Carole later released a statement on behalf of the company noting, "Our hearts are with the victims of this tragic incident, and we will be happy to work with the police in order to determine the cause."
Police are asking anyone with information to please contact their Crimebusters hotline at 720-555-8674