In Which Garrett Has Information... [attn Kalen/Sam] - CourtCat - 11-01-2013
. . . but is limited in methods of dissemination. He calls Kalen first, of course - they younger Hermetic is a known, trusted (and even loved, truth to be told, as a son or nephew or similarly younger family member) entity who has more contacts with the Awakened in this new city than Garrett does. Trent will get a similar call, after, but more out of professional courtesy than anything else - and between the three Hermetics, one imagines information will trickle out to the rest of Denver's magical populace.
"The Libraries," the word is capitalized even in speech, "to which I have access are far away, but I found some mundane news bits that might be pertinent. There was a 70s 'cult murder' that involved a stabbing - 119 times, if the book's abstract is to be believed - that resulted in a man named George Chase, in Atlanta, pleading temporary insanity and being sentenced to death by electrocution. I'll keep digging, to see if we can tie this to the movie, or the Montenaris, or Keller."