Changeling? - CourtCat - 05-11-2013
So, uh, Werewolf is cool and Mage is great, but! Changeling's awesome. I would make some minor changes to line it up with revised. But before I commit to the work of making things make sense and building a setting, etc, I want to know if people are into it. So, let me know!
RE: Changeling? - Howl - 05-11-2013
Sadly I had to vote no just due to having a full plate right now. In a perfect world I would play all the games, but alas... it is not so.
RE: Changeling? - Damon - 05-11-2013
I actually went with no, too. It's not because I don't like CtD -- cuz I do! -- but we've got about 20 players on site split between three systems as it is, and two of those systems still have <10 chars apiece. I think we should let the existing systems mature a bit before opening a new one. Just my two cents!
RE: Changeling? - jamie - 05-11-2013
Everything Howl and Damon said And you know I love Changeling. Ask me again in a few months and I might be down to do a side game.
RE: Changeling? - mnemosyne - 05-12-2013
Heh. Yeah, my plate is also full and I really want to see the games that I'm in... develop that feeling of community! and stuff before I would be able to consider another system, sadly.