08-07-2014, 08:09 PM
"Is it really a surprise if you tell him ahead of time?"
They're in the backyard and Sera is kind of fucked up and phones are tricky or perhaps she just likes that pretense, when she's sitting outside on her cabana bed in the peculiarly lemony smoke wafting from a citronella candle sharing a pipe with her housemates, leaning against Dan, whom she missed while she was gone, puzzling over the simple things because there's pleasure to be had in that.
And he asks the question so guilelessly, like it is just rhetorical because fuck it, she is going to do what she is going to do and she laughs and hits send on the second mass-text-invite of the week and lifts her chin and craaaaaaaanes her head back and kisses him under his jaw and his beard is scratchy! and she kinda punches him in the stomach but not at all hard because he's laughing silently, she can feel that, and oh movement, her arm swings. The night is all warm and swirling and that is lovely too.
"'Course it is," she tells him, informs him, see, all false-swaying-logic of someone well and thoroughly stoned. "What makes it a surprise is that you hide and jump out when they get there - "
"That doesn't make any sense!" Dee's logic is inexorable, even when she's high. She went to college, you see. She graduated. She has a fucking degree in the liberal arts and that is why she works in food service. "So you think that you invite someone to a surprise birthday party and then he'll like forget about the party or walk in with the lights off and be all oops must've gotten the wrong house/night and then you just jump out and they're like you got me! Man, you had me fooled. I think Davie's fucking smarter than that."
"And I think he'll notice," Rick interjects, "the bounce-castle in the back yard." He also has a liberal arts degree. He reads Latin. He is neither awake nor natively rich. Therefore, he works in retail."
Sera is ignoring them, not really pointedly, just because she can. She has decided to have a surprise party. There will be hiding and the shouting of surprise or there won't and she doesn't care. She is considering other important party-related topics, including:
"Do you think you can lace cotton candy with pot?"
Dan: "That seems like an odd combination."
"What about LSD?"
At some point, a mass text - or several - go out to anyone from whom Sera has a number, mundane and magickal alike, announcing a party (or a surprise party) on 8/8/14 at her goddamned house.
There are hand-printed or hand-painted or handprinted signs hung up around the chantry announcing a PARTY (one or two of them explain, with clip art! SHHH. IT'S A SURPRISE. but for fuck's sake darlings, there was some goddamned irony or at least Really Good Drugs involved in those particular design decisions) at 719 Corona Street on 8/8/14.
A few in the kitchen and one on the door to the library, RIGHT OVER THE PALM SCANNER, and others scattered around the rooms that have been inhabited and those that have not.
They appear on Monday or Tuesday, the 4th or the 5th.
They smell a bit of weed and a bit of clove cigarettes, which is a pretty distinctive combination.
[OOC: in short, Sera is throwing Hawksley a "surprise" birthday party. Everyone she knows is invited and further invitations will spread via word-of-mouth since I don't just mean the magickal everyone. The text invites might mention Davie or might not.
This is on Friday 8/8/14 and it is Sera so god knows how long it will all go on and I know there's a mage-ST scene scheduled so there may or may not be an actual live scene but it is also a sort of welcome back to Denver party and anyway, uh, yeah.
Just assume debauchery.]
"Is it really a surprise if you tell him ahead of time?"
They're in the backyard and Sera is kind of fucked up and phones are tricky or perhaps she just likes that pretense, when she's sitting outside on her cabana bed in the peculiarly lemony smoke wafting from a citronella candle sharing a pipe with her housemates, leaning against Dan, whom she missed while she was gone, puzzling over the simple things because there's pleasure to be had in that.
And he asks the question so guilelessly, like it is just rhetorical because fuck it, she is going to do what she is going to do and she laughs and hits send on the second mass-text-invite of the week and lifts her chin and craaaaaaaanes her head back and kisses him under his jaw and his beard is scratchy! and she kinda punches him in the stomach but not at all hard because he's laughing silently, she can feel that, and oh movement, her arm swings. The night is all warm and swirling and that is lovely too.
"'Course it is," she tells him, informs him, see, all false-swaying-logic of someone well and thoroughly stoned. "What makes it a surprise is that you hide and jump out when they get there - "
"That doesn't make any sense!" Dee's logic is inexorable, even when she's high. She went to college, you see. She graduated. She has a fucking degree in the liberal arts and that is why she works in food service. "So you think that you invite someone to a surprise birthday party and then he'll like forget about the party or walk in with the lights off and be all oops must've gotten the wrong house/night and then you just jump out and they're like you got me! Man, you had me fooled. I think Davie's fucking smarter than that."
"And I think he'll notice," Rick interjects, "the bounce-castle in the back yard." He also has a liberal arts degree. He reads Latin. He is neither awake nor natively rich. Therefore, he works in retail."
Sera is ignoring them, not really pointedly, just because she can. She has decided to have a surprise party. There will be hiding and the shouting of surprise or there won't and she doesn't care. She is considering other important party-related topics, including:
"Do you think you can lace cotton candy with pot?"
Dan: "That seems like an odd combination."
"What about LSD?"
At some point, a mass text - or several - go out to anyone from whom Sera has a number, mundane and magickal alike, announcing a party (or a surprise party) on 8/8/14 at her goddamned house.
There are hand-printed or hand-painted or handprinted signs hung up around the chantry announcing a PARTY (one or two of them explain, with clip art! SHHH. IT'S A SURPRISE. but for fuck's sake darlings, there was some goddamned irony or at least Really Good Drugs involved in those particular design decisions) at 719 Corona Street on 8/8/14.
A few in the kitchen and one on the door to the library, RIGHT OVER THE PALM SCANNER, and others scattered around the rooms that have been inhabited and those that have not.
They appear on Monday or Tuesday, the 4th or the 5th.
They smell a bit of weed and a bit of clove cigarettes, which is a pretty distinctive combination.
[OOC: in short, Sera is throwing Hawksley a "surprise" birthday party. Everyone she knows is invited and further invitations will spread via word-of-mouth since I don't just mean the magickal everyone. The text invites might mention Davie or might not.
This is on Friday 8/8/14 and it is Sera so god knows how long it will all go on and I know there's a mage-ST scene scheduled so there may or may not be an actual live scene but it is also a sort of welcome back to Denver party and anyway, uh, yeah.

Just assume debauchery.]
But my heart is wild and my bones are steel
And I could kill you with my bare hands if I was free.
- Phosphorescent, Song for Zula
And I could kill you with my bare hands if I was free.
- Phosphorescent, Song for Zula