03-24-2014, 12:27 PM
The last time Sora Lundgren swept through Denver it was a brief thing. She was there long enough to tack a map onto a whiteboard in Cold Crescent and then be off again, heading in another direction to spread the tale of the Pit, the glorious and honorable and wise Garou of this city, and also deal with some details at home in Seattle.
Time will tell if she'll be sweeping through the city or if she'll settle in a bit, but regardless, one must always make their proper introductions when visiting a new sept, particularly one with a Caern and a Grand Elder and all the traditional trappings and such.
So Sora makes her way to Roxborough Park, and she slips across the Umbra somewhere outside its gates, and she shifts into her lupus form to trot to the borders of the sept.
And there she parks herself, but not for long. Sora is not a young wolf by their people's standards, or she's certainly not a young Cliath. She is past her middle twenties, but there is a spirit in this Fenrir woman. She sits at the border's edge and her bushy grey tail swish swish swishes in the dust and dirt of the penumbral reflection and her hole body twitches as she gets ready to introduce herself.
Lifting her muzzle to the sky she closes her one good eye - the other covered by a large black patch she wears in all of her forms - presses her ears back!
and she howls
and she howls
and she HOWLS!
A slow building growing paean of jubilant introduction that has her finally lifting her front paws from the ground with the force of the call.
She includes her lineage but only back two generations. From what she understands this is not a Fenrir sept and so there are probably more people here that don't care as much about such things than there are people who do.
Everyone who hears that long, spirited, howl of HELLO HELLO HELLO I'M HERE I'M HERE SORA'S HERE! They feel their spirits lifted a little. Or no, not lifted. They feel Sora's spirit, infectious thing that it is, worm its way into their ears and try to make its way into their hearts.
A Guardian finds her returned to homid not long after, and to them she requests to make her to make chiminage to the Caern's spirit. What is required of her?
A memory, they say, and point her in the direction she must go.
A memory? is the reply, with a rakish grin. She gives Earth the earliest memory she can think of, which may not even be her own. But she gives it quietly, intimately to the spirit of this place. Because she is capable of rousing hearts to battle fury and she's capable of rousing them to hope, and she is capable of quiet things, too.
niko @ 12:09PM
Someone please witness this
[charisma (infectious spirit) + expression + PB: HELOOOOOOOO]
Roll: 10 d10 TN4 (1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10) ( success x 8 ) Re-rolls: 2 VALID
ixphaelaeon @ 12:09PM
Samael @ 12:09PM
niko @ 12:09PM
Thank you!
Time will tell if she'll be sweeping through the city or if she'll settle in a bit, but regardless, one must always make their proper introductions when visiting a new sept, particularly one with a Caern and a Grand Elder and all the traditional trappings and such.
So Sora makes her way to Roxborough Park, and she slips across the Umbra somewhere outside its gates, and she shifts into her lupus form to trot to the borders of the sept.
And there she parks herself, but not for long. Sora is not a young wolf by their people's standards, or she's certainly not a young Cliath. She is past her middle twenties, but there is a spirit in this Fenrir woman. She sits at the border's edge and her bushy grey tail swish swish swishes in the dust and dirt of the penumbral reflection and her hole body twitches as she gets ready to introduce herself.
Lifting her muzzle to the sky she closes her one good eye - the other covered by a large black patch she wears in all of her forms - presses her ears back!
and she howls
and she howls
and she HOWLS!
A slow building growing paean of jubilant introduction that has her finally lifting her front paws from the ground with the force of the call.
She includes her lineage but only back two generations. From what she understands this is not a Fenrir sept and so there are probably more people here that don't care as much about such things than there are people who do.
Everyone who hears that long, spirited, howl of HELLO HELLO HELLO I'M HERE I'M HERE SORA'S HERE! They feel their spirits lifted a little. Or no, not lifted. They feel Sora's spirit, infectious thing that it is, worm its way into their ears and try to make its way into their hearts.
A Guardian finds her returned to homid not long after, and to them she requests to make her to make chiminage to the Caern's spirit. What is required of her?
A memory, they say, and point her in the direction she must go.
A memory? is the reply, with a rakish grin. She gives Earth the earliest memory she can think of, which may not even be her own. But she gives it quietly, intimately to the spirit of this place. Because she is capable of rousing hearts to battle fury and she's capable of rousing them to hope, and she is capable of quiet things, too.
niko @ 12:09PM
Someone please witness this
[charisma (infectious spirit) + expression + PB: HELOOOOOOOO]
Roll: 10 d10 TN4 (1, 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10) ( success x 8 ) Re-rolls: 2 VALID
ixphaelaeon @ 12:09PM
Samael @ 12:09PM
niko @ 12:09PM
Thank you!