03-06-2014, 08:15 PM
Sophia was alone, which was never actually true for her to be perfectly honest. So the longer she spent without her pack the more she found herself getting lose in the dialogue going on within her mind. It mad her restless, and even angry at times. There was stress and confusion eating away at the woman, but most importantly she had far too much free time.
Idle hands are the devil's playthings, or so they like to say, and Sophia knew she needed to find something to do. So out to the Caern she traveled. With a heavy coat and hands stuffed in her pocket she started the long walk, which actually wasn't that long from where she had been holing up for the winter.
She reached the Caern and began a search across the bawn, asking around for the Mistress of the Rite. Winter was coming to an end, and it would soon be warm and summery and Sophia would soon be back to life, and she needed to prepare. The Fostern still had much to learn, but she knew she wasn't the best suited to life wandering the city streets. Here was where she needed to be, and this was what she needed to do.
Idle hands are the devil's playthings, or so they like to say, and Sophia knew she needed to find something to do. So out to the Caern she traveled. With a heavy coat and hands stuffed in her pocket she started the long walk, which actually wasn't that long from where she had been holing up for the winter.
She reached the Caern and began a search across the bawn, asking around for the Mistress of the Rite. Winter was coming to an end, and it would soon be warm and summery and Sophia would soon be back to life, and she needed to prepare. The Fostern still had much to learn, but she knew she wasn't the best suited to life wandering the city streets. Here was where she needed to be, and this was what she needed to do.