This is a bug. I'm on it. The location data is there, but something has definitely gone awry with displaying it. I'll update you guys with any changes.
Edit: I know what the problem is, and it will be an easy fix once I get home. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. Someone with ftp access to the site moved a chat file to where it doesn't belong about an hour and a half ago.
I have already changed the ftp password to hopefully prevent any more damage to the site.
Edit#2: It was probably an accident, and I think I know who it was. Won't happen again, and they are so so so sorry if it was them. No need to worry about horrible malicious black hats roaming the interwebs looking for trouble and random RP sites to mess with. Although that totally could have happened.
Will fix in approx 2 hours from this edit.
Edit: I know what the problem is, and it will be an easy fix once I get home. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience. Someone with ftp access to the site moved a chat file to where it doesn't belong about an hour and a half ago.
I have already changed the ftp password to hopefully prevent any more damage to the site.
Edit#2: It was probably an accident, and I think I know who it was. Won't happen again, and they are so so so sorry if it was them. No need to worry about horrible malicious black hats roaming the interwebs looking for trouble and random RP sites to mess with. Although that totally could have happened.
Will fix in approx 2 hours from this edit.