Hey everyone:
I realize I haven't been around much, or even on AIM. I haven't seen any PMs or emails so I know no one is urgently foot-tapping waiting on me, but I still wanted to poke my head up and let you all know what's up.
Recently at my big girl grown-up job I was given a pretty big bump in responsibility, which of course came with some good things too, but also some higher expectations. The cherry is that for about a week and a half I've been also doing the job of a whole other person who is out, and even without that: shit is just cray. I get out of work and it's about all I can do to get home, eat something, and wind down.
Good news: we're doing more hiring, and some of these responsibilities will get reallocated.
Bad news: one of my responsibilities is facilitating the hiring of 9 positions across 3 cities under 5 hiring managers and then coordinating the onboarding/training of these people.
In the long term, it will get better for me. In the short term, IT'S SO MUCH WORSE.
I'm trying to keep an eye out for emails or PMs or forums posts indicating that anyone needs anything from me. I'm also trying not to wallow in guilt that I haven't been around and just trust you guys to RP, run stuff, or not, based on your interest and availability without too much handwringing or fussing from me.
So please reach out if you DO need something from me, if you ARE waiting on anything. I wish I could be around more, and there's scenes I want to play with several of you. Right now it's not lack of desire, it's just lack of energy. It will improve, hopefully soon, but I wanted to let folks know I didn't just drop off a cliff.
(Though if I did, it would look like this: )
my whole life is thunder.