07-15-2013, 11:48 AM
Denver's Mission Statement
Because it's kind of a faq...
A few of you have asked me what my goals are for this site.
My goal in setting up this site is to create an environment that encourages creativity in gameplay. You may have noticed that no one on Denver is titled a Storyteller. This is because their roles are going to be so much more than that. Admins will set the tone and create the backdrop of the stories that the players will tell, facilitating and enriching those tales with the occasional storyline. They will also set the rules and the structures within their systems, making judgment calls and clarifying rules at their discretion.
I feel I will best help out the system admins by setting up their areas, and then getting the hell out of their way. How creative can they be if there's someone standing over their shoulder saying, "No, you can't do that because I don't like it?" The fact that I created the site is a non-issue. My role as Site Admin is that of support. I'll help by doing the boring back-end stuff that can slow admins down, like uploading content and keeping demographics information up-to-date, or any other organizational site-related things they don't want to do but I would love, because organization is my jam.
I also want the games played here to be as fun and open as possible. As far as settings go, I know most scenes will take place in the Denver Metro area. That's okay, because Denver Metro is a pretty awesome place. That's not all there is to the area, though, and it's certainly not all I want there to be for the games. I've included a large swath of Colorado because I want players to take their characters out on adventures. See the world! Use the World room to go do cool things in cool places and come back and tell your friends about it.
So there you have it.
The tl;dr version:
Maximize system admin freedom to maximize creativity.
Maximize fun time.
Addendum: 6/22/2013
A common thread has revealed itself in the Introductions, a thread that I have noticed and I want to make an official part of the site's Mission Statement, particularly because a lot of the Site Rules are already geared to encourage it. That common thread is this:
This site is a fresh start for all of us. We've all had our dramas in the past. We've all been jerks to people or had people be jerks to us. Basically, shit has happened, sometimes on purpose, sometimes due to misunderstandings. Now it's time to let it go.
Which isn't to say if something from the past is still bothering you about another player you should just get over it already. If you think there might still be some bad blood between you and another player or players, I hope that you'll talk to them about it. Everyone here has already shown that they're willing to set aside old grudges for the sake of the community.
And WHAT a community we have created here on WoDD! There is a lot of love and respect and peace here. Everyone just wants to play and have fun and tell awesome stories together.
If you think you'd like to get in on that, sign up yesterday!
Because it's kind of a faq...
A few of you have asked me what my goals are for this site.
My goal in setting up this site is to create an environment that encourages creativity in gameplay. You may have noticed that no one on Denver is titled a Storyteller. This is because their roles are going to be so much more than that. Admins will set the tone and create the backdrop of the stories that the players will tell, facilitating and enriching those tales with the occasional storyline. They will also set the rules and the structures within their systems, making judgment calls and clarifying rules at their discretion.
I feel I will best help out the system admins by setting up their areas, and then getting the hell out of their way. How creative can they be if there's someone standing over their shoulder saying, "No, you can't do that because I don't like it?" The fact that I created the site is a non-issue. My role as Site Admin is that of support. I'll help by doing the boring back-end stuff that can slow admins down, like uploading content and keeping demographics information up-to-date, or any other organizational site-related things they don't want to do but I would love, because organization is my jam.
I also want the games played here to be as fun and open as possible. As far as settings go, I know most scenes will take place in the Denver Metro area. That's okay, because Denver Metro is a pretty awesome place. That's not all there is to the area, though, and it's certainly not all I want there to be for the games. I've included a large swath of Colorado because I want players to take their characters out on adventures. See the world! Use the World room to go do cool things in cool places and come back and tell your friends about it.
So there you have it.
The tl;dr version:
Maximize system admin freedom to maximize creativity.
Maximize fun time.
Addendum: 6/22/2013
A common thread has revealed itself in the Introductions, a thread that I have noticed and I want to make an official part of the site's Mission Statement, particularly because a lot of the Site Rules are already geared to encourage it. That common thread is this:
This site is a fresh start for all of us. We've all had our dramas in the past. We've all been jerks to people or had people be jerks to us. Basically, shit has happened, sometimes on purpose, sometimes due to misunderstandings. Now it's time to let it go.
Which isn't to say if something from the past is still bothering you about another player you should just get over it already. If you think there might still be some bad blood between you and another player or players, I hope that you'll talk to them about it. Everyone here has already shown that they're willing to set aside old grudges for the sake of the community.
And WHAT a community we have created here on WoDD! There is a lot of love and respect and peace here. Everyone just wants to play and have fun and tell awesome stories together.
If you think you'd like to get in on that, sign up yesterday!