04-29-2013, 07:46 AM
Éva is at his side before it registers. A drawn up corner of his mouth echoes with familiarity and he casts her a sidelong glance as if to say, you think so? "No, I haven't met Cate yet." Emmett gives Nora a smile of gratitude and lifts the glass she just gave him in an extra added thanks. "You should go have a little fun Catherine, I'm sure the Carey's won't mind." His smile slides wide at her before he turns and makes his way toward where Sarah is rescuing Éva from the talkative man and his glass of booze. He's got his own less potent glass of spirits in one hand while the other curves around the eagles head handle of his cane. Emmett left Colorado not exactly whole, but not near as broken as he was returned to it. But there doesn't seem to be shame or pride in the lack of ability in his leg. It just is what it is and that seems to be about as much attention as he's willing to pay it at that moment.
"How have you been Éva?" He asks once she's got a bottle of water (or juice) in her hand. "How's life?" The question is broad and sweeping and could encompass anything and everything that she could possible be involved in. And, truth be told, he seems genuinely interested in her response. Even if it is simply as dull as work's killing me or the kids are great, even I can't complain would keep his attention. Not the sort to stare, Emmett keeps his eyes off Éva. He doesn't look at her a whole lot, not even when she speaks to him. His eyes are roaming constantly over the people dancing and the singing and playing music. The couples already making their way for the tents on the back half of the property. The trees that loom all around this festive gathering.
But most of all they seem to always find the fire. The way it balls up and leaps and illuminates as if imbued with a fierce yellow sun. Amber tongues eat away at the wood, only to be fed more by the elder Carey. Wide ribbons of flame and twinkles of embers lap at the starry sky as if in time to the beat of the music. It momentarily brings a sickness to his belly the way the sight of fire always does.
After a moment his eyes tear away from the fire and scan the lay of the Carey land until they find Ellie playing with a monster of a dog who wants nothing more than to have its belly rubbed and its ears scratched. "Looks like Ellie's made a new friend."
"How have you been Éva?" He asks once she's got a bottle of water (or juice) in her hand. "How's life?" The question is broad and sweeping and could encompass anything and everything that she could possible be involved in. And, truth be told, he seems genuinely interested in her response. Even if it is simply as dull as work's killing me or the kids are great, even I can't complain would keep his attention. Not the sort to stare, Emmett keeps his eyes off Éva. He doesn't look at her a whole lot, not even when she speaks to him. His eyes are roaming constantly over the people dancing and the singing and playing music. The couples already making their way for the tents on the back half of the property. The trees that loom all around this festive gathering.
But most of all they seem to always find the fire. The way it balls up and leaps and illuminates as if imbued with a fierce yellow sun. Amber tongues eat away at the wood, only to be fed more by the elder Carey. Wide ribbons of flame and twinkles of embers lap at the starry sky as if in time to the beat of the music. It momentarily brings a sickness to his belly the way the sight of fire always does.
After a moment his eyes tear away from the fire and scan the lay of the Carey land until they find Ellie playing with a monster of a dog who wants nothing more than to have its belly rubbed and its ears scratched. "Looks like Ellie's made a new friend."