09-10-2013, 12:14 PM
With Justin off gallivanting and unlikely to ever return, Sid has done what she can when she can to finish up any repairs left undone around the grounds.
That barn's pretty nice. The fences are pretty okay. She's stopped tending to most of the yard work stuff since it's starting to be fall and the world needs to start tucking itself into bed for the coming winter.
She does, however, keep the greenery around the node lush and awesome because it appeals to her greatly to have the area around the renewing font of energy to look lush and green and awesome, even though she never uses it.
That barn's pretty nice. The fences are pretty okay. She's stopped tending to most of the yard work stuff since it's starting to be fall and the world needs to start tucking itself into bed for the coming winter.
She does, however, keep the greenery around the node lush and awesome because it appeals to her greatly to have the area around the renewing font of energy to look lush and green and awesome, even though she never uses it.