09-27-2013, 05:40 PM
"I could go with her," Reese offers - the dirty joiner! - in response to what Lola's said; he doesn't know her, has never met her before, isn't particularly prone to trusting her (or almost anyone else - there are about three people here he knows through every fault of his own, and one he'd taken an immediate liking to, but that's about it), but it doesn't make sense to go something like that alone. Regardless of gender or perceived ability - it's like Erich not wanting a bunch of scouts going it alone to explore the pit under Cold Crescent, except this would be the Glass Walker kin's answer regardless of who was suggesting they go face a possible fomor. "I'm Reese Evans, by the way, Sam's brother. The guy may not be worth sending a whole pack after, but very rarely is some sort of backup a bad idea."
Winona, meanwhile, is more interested in talk of the doings beneath Cold Crescent. "Having an Ahroun on each side mightn't be the worst of ideas," she says - not in a way that implies fear or uncertainty, but in a pragmatic way that implies she knows each auspice has its skill set, and she knows where hers and her packsisters' lies.
Winona, meanwhile, is more interested in talk of the doings beneath Cold Crescent. "Having an Ahroun on each side mightn't be the worst of ideas," she says - not in a way that implies fear or uncertainty, but in a pragmatic way that implies she knows each auspice has its skill set, and she knows where hers and her packsisters' lies.