To begin: My experience in varying systems is so freaking slim. But I'll try and mix it up!
Lola:Unseelie Boggan Nope, Redcap Wilder // Gangrel to the Max
Molly: Nocker, probably. She's grumpier than she comes across // Theurge, either Fianna or Silent Strider
Bertram: Shadow Lord Galliard
Flood: Waning Ragabash -- either Glass Walker (the kind from money, involved in business, not street kickers) or Fianna
Kali: Satyr! or a Cult of Ecstacy person.
Lux: Theurge Shadow Lord. Or a Sidhe. She looks so regal.
Nate: Bone Gnawer Kinfolk, bone-weary.
Jack: Malkavanian, that madman. Or maybe he should've just been an Ahroun?
Erich: Totes a Troll, Wilder of course. And Seelie, whether he likes it or not.
Hector: Tremere, I guess. Could'a been a Coggie.
Keisha: Some serene kind of Pooka. Like a swan or butterfly.
Tamsin: Wilder Boggan!
Thomas: Oh honey, you're so like a mortal in a vampire's world.
Reese: Satyr, fo' sho.
Molly: Nocker, probably. She's grumpier than she comes across // Theurge, either Fianna or Silent Strider
Bertram: Shadow Lord Galliard
Flood: Waning Ragabash -- either Glass Walker (the kind from money, involved in business, not street kickers) or Fianna
Kali: Satyr! or a Cult of Ecstacy person.
Lux: Theurge Shadow Lord. Or a Sidhe. She looks so regal.
Nate: Bone Gnawer Kinfolk, bone-weary.
Jack: Malkavanian, that madman. Or maybe he should've just been an Ahroun?
Erich: Totes a Troll, Wilder of course. And Seelie, whether he likes it or not.
Hector: Tremere, I guess. Could'a been a Coggie.
Keisha: Some serene kind of Pooka. Like a swan or butterfly.
Tamsin: Wilder Boggan!
Thomas: Oh honey, you're so like a mortal in a vampire's world.
Reese: Satyr, fo' sho.