Court, the character (I'm a real person, I DO WHAT I WANT)
Str 3 / Dex 2 / Stam 3
Char 2 / App 2 / Manip 3
Per 2 / Intel 3 / Wits 2
Alert, Expression, Leadership, Subterfuge
Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Performance
Academics, Computer, Linguistics, Science, Technology
Werewolf: My husband says internet addicted Bone Gnawer Philodox, I say tech savvy CoG Philo.
Mage: Ecstatic, but I totally skipped the perfect time sense of that sphere - I only have it when I'm waiting tables
Vampire: Toreador, probably.
Changeling: Boggan, on the border between Seelie and Un.
Str 3 / Dex 2 / Stam 3
Char 2 / App 2 / Manip 3
Per 2 / Intel 3 / Wits 2
Alert, Expression, Leadership, Subterfuge
Crafts, Drive, Etiquette, Performance
Academics, Computer, Linguistics, Science, Technology
Werewolf: My husband says internet addicted Bone Gnawer Philodox, I say tech savvy CoG Philo.
Mage: Ecstatic, but I totally skipped the perfect time sense of that sphere - I only have it when I'm waiting tables
Vampire: Toreador, probably.
Changeling: Boggan, on the border between Seelie and Un.