05-23-2013, 08:50 PM
"Nothing comes for free, of course I'd work." It's scoffed with the balance of arrogance and insecurity that is youth, and given some added oomph by the girl's general aura; at her best, Shoshanna is eerie and uncomfortable to be around. Now, figuratively chilled as she is, she's worse. And that comes even before she offers, "Dreamspeaker. Most people get it by the second guess." Obviously by 'most people' she means 'most Awakened'.
In the process of the tour, she's soaking everything up; she's bright and inquisitive, a proverbial sponge, and sees things that her elders don't by virtue of both rote and different perceptions. For questions, though, she lets Pan take the lead.
In the process of the tour, she's soaking everything up; she's bright and inquisitive, a proverbial sponge, and sees things that her elders don't by virtue of both rote and different perceptions. For questions, though, she lets Pan take the lead.