06-15-2014, 09:56 PM
Sid is still there, just as she said she would be. Or maybe "still" is inaccurate. She'd had to get up at some point, right? If only to eat or relieve herself or stretch her legs. Truth is, she's scarcely left the girl's side so that when she woke Sid would be sitting on the floor next to her.
There is food waiting for Trey when she wakes. Sid shifts where she sits, takes the plate from the nearbyy coffee table, and gives it to her without looking. Perhaps she remembers the last time she tried to show kindness to a scared girl out of sorts. Alicia hadn't responded well, and in the end showed she preferred Kalen's presence to her own. Chances are it'll go the same with Trey, but even knowing that, Sid waited. Sid offers her food.
"He needs time to recover, same as you." Sid is wearing gloves as she sorts through a pillowcase full of seed packets. Looking over her shoulder to the young Trey she says, "You can see him after you've eaten." Then she goes back about her work.
Trey will note she is exactly as she was left the night before, clothing including shoes still intact, gun still strapped to her side.
"There's water in the kitchen and the showers work but there's no hot water," she warns.
There is food waiting for Trey when she wakes. Sid shifts where she sits, takes the plate from the nearbyy coffee table, and gives it to her without looking. Perhaps she remembers the last time she tried to show kindness to a scared girl out of sorts. Alicia hadn't responded well, and in the end showed she preferred Kalen's presence to her own. Chances are it'll go the same with Trey, but even knowing that, Sid waited. Sid offers her food.
"He needs time to recover, same as you." Sid is wearing gloves as she sorts through a pillowcase full of seed packets. Looking over her shoulder to the young Trey she says, "You can see him after you've eaten." Then she goes back about her work.
Trey will note she is exactly as she was left the night before, clothing including shoes still intact, gun still strapped to her side.
"There's water in the kitchen and the showers work but there's no hot water," she warns.