12-14-2014, 11:35 PM
Errin, absolutely nobody wants you to quit. If that's what you feel is best for you and for the site, then of course that's your prerogative but I think, if you read through the responses to the changes, there isn't a single one that's pointing any fingers and saying that you're in any way an unwanted member of the site.
You're a rocking writer, you're a great ST and I think you've had the very best interests of the site at heart throughout everything -- at least as far as I've seen personally since I've discovered it. I think, at the heart of the discussion and hurt is the sense that people weren't a part of the discussion. That's really all it is. Not that they don't respect you or your wonderful presence on the site or what you've given us along with the admins and STs.
It's purely that people feel like there's a community here, there's a collective desire to make and evolve what you and the others imagined with Denver upon starting it up and from that sense of community, I think, stems the feeling that changes should be something everyone can feel included in. Obviously, not every change should be something a site owner or the admins need to run by players but my sense from what is collectively presented here is not - this is a terrible idea because you made it and therefore we don't like you at all, it's this idea has merit in places and we understand the premise but the implementation of it might need a bit of tweaking.
Believe me, I know it sucks to feel as if people are tearing apart something you clearly invested a ton of thought and heart into but I think the real take away isn't that you need to step down (again, unless you feel like it's time to or something you need) but just that there's some points that might have merit worth looking into. Or conversely, that you might not agree with but could be mulled over or broken down and talked through with folks.
Running systems, running sites - it's a tough gig, it really is. It can be thankless and it can feel, like it might right here, that's its way too much stress for what it gives back, but I think the key reason people are trying to open discussion is because you helped build something they care about. People love Denver, they think there's a lot here that's worth evolving and you know, personally, I think the site works better for you being part of it.
Step down or not, I just hope you know that as a person, nobody questions if you rock or not, we know you do. Being the top of the pyramid has its high points and its low points and nobody is going to throw mud because ideas didn't work or stick. You do what is best for you but speaking on my own behalf - you dropping the ball and walking away was never the intent of voicing my thoughts.
You're a rocking writer, you're a great ST and I think you've had the very best interests of the site at heart throughout everything -- at least as far as I've seen personally since I've discovered it. I think, at the heart of the discussion and hurt is the sense that people weren't a part of the discussion. That's really all it is. Not that they don't respect you or your wonderful presence on the site or what you've given us along with the admins and STs.
It's purely that people feel like there's a community here, there's a collective desire to make and evolve what you and the others imagined with Denver upon starting it up and from that sense of community, I think, stems the feeling that changes should be something everyone can feel included in. Obviously, not every change should be something a site owner or the admins need to run by players but my sense from what is collectively presented here is not - this is a terrible idea because you made it and therefore we don't like you at all, it's this idea has merit in places and we understand the premise but the implementation of it might need a bit of tweaking.
Believe me, I know it sucks to feel as if people are tearing apart something you clearly invested a ton of thought and heart into but I think the real take away isn't that you need to step down (again, unless you feel like it's time to or something you need) but just that there's some points that might have merit worth looking into. Or conversely, that you might not agree with but could be mulled over or broken down and talked through with folks.
Running systems, running sites - it's a tough gig, it really is. It can be thankless and it can feel, like it might right here, that's its way too much stress for what it gives back, but I think the key reason people are trying to open discussion is because you helped build something they care about. People love Denver, they think there's a lot here that's worth evolving and you know, personally, I think the site works better for you being part of it.
Step down or not, I just hope you know that as a person, nobody questions if you rock or not, we know you do. Being the top of the pyramid has its high points and its low points and nobody is going to throw mud because ideas didn't work or stick. You do what is best for you but speaking on my own behalf - you dropping the ball and walking away was never the intent of voicing my thoughts.