10-07-2015, 07:37 PM
First of all, Damon, how dare you. Go and sit in the corner and think about what you've done.
Secondly, to refer directly to your questions, Ms Kai! The interesting thing for myself, I think, with regards to settings and something that might not be (or may be, I don't know) as much a consideration for those of you who know Denver and live there or in places in the US is that all of it comes purely from what I deduce and read and sort of piece together of these places. So in a sense, my picture of the backdrop really becomes whatever I decide it is.
In a way, it's hugely helpful because Denver can be as WoD-ish as I decide it is (likewise any place I don't know) but in another way, it can be problematic for me because there are details that escape me or I don't understand the nuances of. Anyway, that all leading to - I think less intricate detail on a setting has always helped me. I enjoy knowing bits and pieces but I think sometimes the setting being, for example, more a Gotham City idea rather than a fixed place can aid that idea of this world on the brink of anything.
At least, for WtA's purposes.
All that being said - original creations, that is, places like a Caern or a player run boarding house, I think are great with some details. Because they aren't set to any real life comparison (aside from, perhaps, a vague idea of where in a city/rural area they are), there's no limit on imagination with them, so I can fill in blanks while playing and not worry so much that I just, for example, moved a huge lake out of time and space.
As for preferences! Definitely urban, definitely a smaller Sept and I think a handful of strong supporting NPCs works really well. Though I say urban mostly out of selfish reasons as I typically play characters like SFs and am contemplating a GW.
Quote:So, thinking specifically about settings, what do you guys think makes a setting easier to play in? What frustrates or grinds in the gears of role-play? Don't think necessarily about what makes sense IC or what characters you play might think, just... come at it solely from the perspective of "did this make it easier or harder for me to play?"
I'd also be interested in preferences. Do you tend to like urban games or rural games more? Have you had more fun in big septs or little ones? What do you think about lots of NPCs versus very few NPCs?
Secondly, to refer directly to your questions, Ms Kai! The interesting thing for myself, I think, with regards to settings and something that might not be (or may be, I don't know) as much a consideration for those of you who know Denver and live there or in places in the US is that all of it comes purely from what I deduce and read and sort of piece together of these places. So in a sense, my picture of the backdrop really becomes whatever I decide it is.
In a way, it's hugely helpful because Denver can be as WoD-ish as I decide it is (likewise any place I don't know) but in another way, it can be problematic for me because there are details that escape me or I don't understand the nuances of. Anyway, that all leading to - I think less intricate detail on a setting has always helped me. I enjoy knowing bits and pieces but I think sometimes the setting being, for example, more a Gotham City idea rather than a fixed place can aid that idea of this world on the brink of anything.
At least, for WtA's purposes.
All that being said - original creations, that is, places like a Caern or a player run boarding house, I think are great with some details. Because they aren't set to any real life comparison (aside from, perhaps, a vague idea of where in a city/rural area they are), there's no limit on imagination with them, so I can fill in blanks while playing and not worry so much that I just, for example, moved a huge lake out of time and space.
As for preferences! Definitely urban, definitely a smaller Sept and I think a handful of strong supporting NPCs works really well. Though I say urban mostly out of selfish reasons as I typically play characters like SFs and am contemplating a GW.