10-07-2015, 10:38 PM
As before, I'm going to answer some of my own questions:
I prefer urban settings, but I like to have rural areas available. I've always loved Roxborough, but like any park open to the public, it's not necessarily conducive to much RP.
I prefer smaller septs with fewer NPCs and less of a 'looming authority' feeling from elders and so on. Otherwise, the PCs aren't really free to be center stage or do what they would naturally do without being smacked down immediately. They need to be background, there when absolutely necessary but otherwise leaving the PCs on their own, which increases the sense of urgency that keeps being brought up as necessary for a good WtA game.
One of the biggest adjustments that needs to be made with the Denver WtA game is to strongly limit its relationship to reality. Setting a game in a city where I live can give interesting details and flavor, but mostly it's just stifling, as the urge to correct RP back to reality rears its very insufferable head with annoying frequency. The World of Darkness Denver needs to exist in much, much more flexible time-space than Actual Denver, and for the most part, that's on me. So I'll work on that. It mostly involves just shutting up more and saying "Yeah, go for it" when someone asks me if I think they could get from Fort Collins to Roxborough in 30 minutes, or puts a farm in Estes Park, or whatever.
So yeah. Go for it.
That isn't to say I want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and turn WoD Denver into WoD Metropolis Template, Version 49, but I'm not really worried about that happening. I've known most of you for several years and you're seasoned players. The flavor and idea of the city is great, but too much "real" detail and (as Damon put it) players get paralyzed. And stop playing.
I prefer urban settings, but I like to have rural areas available. I've always loved Roxborough, but like any park open to the public, it's not necessarily conducive to much RP.
I prefer smaller septs with fewer NPCs and less of a 'looming authority' feeling from elders and so on. Otherwise, the PCs aren't really free to be center stage or do what they would naturally do without being smacked down immediately. They need to be background, there when absolutely necessary but otherwise leaving the PCs on their own, which increases the sense of urgency that keeps being brought up as necessary for a good WtA game.
One of the biggest adjustments that needs to be made with the Denver WtA game is to strongly limit its relationship to reality. Setting a game in a city where I live can give interesting details and flavor, but mostly it's just stifling, as the urge to correct RP back to reality rears its very insufferable head with annoying frequency. The World of Darkness Denver needs to exist in much, much more flexible time-space than Actual Denver, and for the most part, that's on me. So I'll work on that. It mostly involves just shutting up more and saying "Yeah, go for it" when someone asks me if I think they could get from Fort Collins to Roxborough in 30 minutes, or puts a farm in Estes Park, or whatever.
So yeah. Go for it.
That isn't to say I want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and turn WoD Denver into WoD Metropolis Template, Version 49, but I'm not really worried about that happening. I've known most of you for several years and you're seasoned players. The flavor and idea of the city is great, but too much "real" detail and (as Damon put it) players get paralyzed. And stop playing.
my whole life is thunder.