02-08-2016, 09:54 AM
Perhaps later in the evening Margot would look back on this moment of First Impressions and kick herself for being so curious about Penelope without showing such same awe for Nick. It wasn't anybody's fault, really, it was just consequence of who they were, and What they were. Swashbuckler was well-described, she ensnared attention and held onto it well. Plus Margot, though polite, was not necessarily the most socially graceful person. She seemed bashful and smart but not the most confident-- almost like she was an Apprentice or something.
"I've--," she started, but then The Doc arrived with Ned being hauled along by the elbow, holding onto his wine glass in a way that made her think of holding an umbrella (for shelter?). Greetings were enthused and full of kissed cheeks, and Margot was glad that she and Ned had dodged that particular greeting whenever they came through his front door.
As they were ushered back to the kitchen, Margot fell into step beside Ned. It was there, not far from her fellow Apprentice's elbow, that she remained. She didn't look nearly as uncomfortable as him, necessarily, but was watchful and curious and, for the time being, sipped her wine in observant quiet.
She could only imagine what initiated Mages spoke about at dinner parties, and was about to find out.
"I've--," she started, but then The Doc arrived with Ned being hauled along by the elbow, holding onto his wine glass in a way that made her think of holding an umbrella (for shelter?). Greetings were enthused and full of kissed cheeks, and Margot was glad that she and Ned had dodged that particular greeting whenever they came through his front door.
As they were ushered back to the kitchen, Margot fell into step beside Ned. It was there, not far from her fellow Apprentice's elbow, that she remained. She didn't look nearly as uncomfortable as him, necessarily, but was watchful and curious and, for the time being, sipped her wine in observant quiet.
She could only imagine what initiated Mages spoke about at dinner parties, and was about to find out.