06-26-2013, 08:03 AM
There are things to be seen in fingerprints. Enigmas. Riddles. Great and wonderful mysteries. No two are alike and Cat studies every single one that she ever sees with a focus and intensity that few could ever understand or own. It's only the rich, confident baritone of the Brujah Elder that snap her out of it. Dark eyes lift. Her back straightens.
Was he...agreeing?
Rasmussen is agreeing with her. Agreeing! And Cat? Well, she couldn't be more validated - more proud. The edges of her mouth begin to tug outward and she's nodding her head deeply as if to say to all of them. See? SEE. Who's mad now? SEE.
[Wait, what? Oh, this isn't good. Not good at all. What did he say about Winny? {He said nothing, shut up. Pay attention. Pull your shoulders back!} His entourage? But Prince Winny is not gone. He's not!]
I thank you, Cat.
[Did you hear that? He thanked us! Ha! Things are looking up, yes sir-e!] Cat is smiling. She is young, caught in stasis and eternal youth somewhere between her eighteenth and twentieth year. When she smiles, it's a confusing thing to witness; on one hand she looks young and so a young woman smiling is, at first, a pleasant enough thing...yet on the other, there is a plasticine feel to it. Her skin looks cool and pale and not at all soft to touch, her eyes do not twinkle or sparkle or shine with any sort of life. If a human could meet a shark beneath the ocean, and if that shark were to smile a big toothy grin, that might be similar to Cat's smile. Dead dark eyes and a predators countenance.
[Did he just smile? {Do Brujah's smile?} Of course they smile you ponce! {Oh shut up. As if you knew..}]
Cat has to look away so that the King incumbent does not see her expression shifting in response to the Others as they bicker over Brujah and their smiles. Rasmussen doesn't have to really say to her that she can go. Or that he is finished with her. When he seems to leave the conversation Cat is already gone. She noted the little wiggly fingers from Jack. No one else offered her any wiggly fingers.
While he reads his paper, Cat is sitting near him. She'll sit in the chair next to him. She'll prop herself on the table if it'll hold her weight. She'll even sit on the floor at his feet, near his right leg, and watch him with a gaze that has been labelled on more than one occasion as unsettling.
"Do you know what I saw tonight?" She asks Vampire Jack, mouth twisting as she waits anxiously for his response.
Was he...agreeing?
Rasmussen is agreeing with her. Agreeing! And Cat? Well, she couldn't be more validated - more proud. The edges of her mouth begin to tug outward and she's nodding her head deeply as if to say to all of them. See? SEE. Who's mad now? SEE.
[Wait, what? Oh, this isn't good. Not good at all. What did he say about Winny? {He said nothing, shut up. Pay attention. Pull your shoulders back!} His entourage? But Prince Winny is not gone. He's not!]
I thank you, Cat.
[Did you hear that? He thanked us! Ha! Things are looking up, yes sir-e!] Cat is smiling. She is young, caught in stasis and eternal youth somewhere between her eighteenth and twentieth year. When she smiles, it's a confusing thing to witness; on one hand she looks young and so a young woman smiling is, at first, a pleasant enough thing...yet on the other, there is a plasticine feel to it. Her skin looks cool and pale and not at all soft to touch, her eyes do not twinkle or sparkle or shine with any sort of life. If a human could meet a shark beneath the ocean, and if that shark were to smile a big toothy grin, that might be similar to Cat's smile. Dead dark eyes and a predators countenance.
[Did he just smile? {Do Brujah's smile?} Of course they smile you ponce! {Oh shut up. As if you knew..}]
Cat has to look away so that the King incumbent does not see her expression shifting in response to the Others as they bicker over Brujah and their smiles. Rasmussen doesn't have to really say to her that she can go. Or that he is finished with her. When he seems to leave the conversation Cat is already gone. She noted the little wiggly fingers from Jack. No one else offered her any wiggly fingers.
While he reads his paper, Cat is sitting near him. She'll sit in the chair next to him. She'll prop herself on the table if it'll hold her weight. She'll even sit on the floor at his feet, near his right leg, and watch him with a gaze that has been labelled on more than one occasion as unsettling.
"Do you know what I saw tonight?" She asks Vampire Jack, mouth twisting as she waits anxiously for his response.