06-26-2013, 06:45 PM
So he takes Jack's hand and unfolds his form and grins despite the fleeting sadness of the story in the air around them. Claps the shorter stockier wolf on the shoulder and shakes him a bit.
"Awright!" he says, and drops his hand to lead Jack out of the room. "Only you're gonna want to call her Cinder Song, Furious Lament if she's in earshot. It's her full name, she's real particular about that sort of thing. Also - how's your Elvish?"
"Awright!" he says, and drops his hand to lead Jack out of the room. "Only you're gonna want to call her Cinder Song, Furious Lament if she's in earshot. It's her full name, she's real particular about that sort of thing. Also - how's your Elvish?"