07-06-2013, 03:37 PM
Ingrid had started to leave, yes. She had followed Jack out here first because there was mention of cleansing, then because of her love of the open road, and then finally because well she was already all the way out here. But instead of cleansing she found herself inadvertently trapped into dishonorable trespass. On the property of a kinsman of someone else's tribe.
Cue the long, drawn out, internal sigh.
The only sign of her exasperation had been a faint edge to her statement to Jack.
So she turned to go, but then everyone started chiming up in her wake. Calden says it's the unexpectedness that bothers him. That his offer of hospitality had been offered to one, maybe two people who had then extended it and extended it on their own is not lost to Ingrid. And it does not sit well with her, not at all. Hector speaks up, adjusting the fit of his mantle of leadership, trying to get it to set a little more comfortably on his shoulders and finding it uncomfortable, anyway, but he tries. That's what stops Ingrid at the gate. That he tries. Hector introduces and explains. Says they better get going.
And then Calden extends his offer of hospitality. Ingrid's shoulders tighten and her mouth tenses. The rest of her expression is obscured by those overlarge sunglasses of hers. It's one thing to offer and accept genuine hospitality. It's another when the hand that offers it has been sort of mostly forced into it.
Then she smiles. The bow she offers him is slight, an angling of her upper body at the waist. "Thank you, Mr. White, but for my part at least that won't be necessary. Perhaps sometime in the future we may try this again." Her words are polite and courteous, until the this last which is made of ice. "Properly."
This entire affair had been approached all wrong and she found herself an unwitting participant. The most she can do now to salvage her honor is to respect the territory of this kinsman in the only way she can right now. By leaving it.
Cue the long, drawn out, internal sigh.
The only sign of her exasperation had been a faint edge to her statement to Jack.
So she turned to go, but then everyone started chiming up in her wake. Calden says it's the unexpectedness that bothers him. That his offer of hospitality had been offered to one, maybe two people who had then extended it and extended it on their own is not lost to Ingrid. And it does not sit well with her, not at all. Hector speaks up, adjusting the fit of his mantle of leadership, trying to get it to set a little more comfortably on his shoulders and finding it uncomfortable, anyway, but he tries. That's what stops Ingrid at the gate. That he tries. Hector introduces and explains. Says they better get going.
And then Calden extends his offer of hospitality. Ingrid's shoulders tighten and her mouth tenses. The rest of her expression is obscured by those overlarge sunglasses of hers. It's one thing to offer and accept genuine hospitality. It's another when the hand that offers it has been sort of mostly forced into it.
Then she smiles. The bow she offers him is slight, an angling of her upper body at the waist. "Thank you, Mr. White, but for my part at least that won't be necessary. Perhaps sometime in the future we may try this again." Her words are polite and courteous, until the this last which is made of ice. "Properly."
This entire affair had been approached all wrong and she found herself an unwitting participant. The most she can do now to salvage her honor is to respect the territory of this kinsman in the only way she can right now. By leaving it.