A bit past midnight on Sunday, Gadfly will receive the following encrypted items via Ginger:
1) A picture of the dead body of a blue-gray, clammy, human-ish thing with clawed hands and fangs being carried away by a tall, bald woman.
2) A picture of a destroyed theater. There seems to have been a massive fight, and piles of human bodies litter the area. Sid, a Mage who Gadfly should remember is in this one, leading a middle-aged man with a bandaged hand to the exit.
3) Some text:
So, my idea for getting over the zombie scare by going to the movies was an utter disaster.
I think I'm going to call in at work tomorrow. Mental health day.
In fact, staying in my apartment sounds really good for the rest of the week. I can just do my homework from here right?
Is the news saying anything yet? I don't want to look right now.
Also, do you have any idea what that thing in pic #1 is? It appeared on the screen, then came through it (it was much bigger then. When it died, it shrank.) Mara has the body, and stupid me didn't get a sample. I'll have to bug her for one I think.
[Edit: no giant hole in the screen!]
1) A picture of the dead body of a blue-gray, clammy, human-ish thing with clawed hands and fangs being carried away by a tall, bald woman.
2) A picture of a destroyed theater. There seems to have been a massive fight, and piles of human bodies litter the area. Sid, a Mage who Gadfly should remember is in this one, leading a middle-aged man with a bandaged hand to the exit.
3) Some text:
So, my idea for getting over the zombie scare by going to the movies was an utter disaster.
I think I'm going to call in at work tomorrow. Mental health day.
In fact, staying in my apartment sounds really good for the rest of the week. I can just do my homework from here right?
Is the news saying anything yet? I don't want to look right now.
Also, do you have any idea what that thing in pic #1 is? It appeared on the screen, then came through it (it was much bigger then. When it died, it shrank.) Mara has the body, and stupid me didn't get a sample. I'll have to bug her for one I think.
[Edit: no giant hole in the screen!]