Totem: Fog
Type: Wisdom
Traits: Children of Fog may add an extra dice to Subterfuge and Stealth Dice Pools. They also receive -1 difficulty to all Occult and Enigmas rolls and gain the Gift: Curse of Aeolus.
Ban: If a child of Fog ever reveals a secret to someone outside her sept, she loses one Willpower point permanently.
Purpose: First ones in, last ones out.
Hector "Echoes of the Lost" Ghosh - Fostern Uktena Galliard, Alpha
Tamsin "Cinder Song, Furious Lament" Hall - Cliath Fianna Galliard
Thomas "Thunder's Cry Echoes from the Sea" Delacroix - Cliath Shadow Lord Galliard
Willow "Ismene, Eyes in the Dark" Sanna - Fostern Black Fury Theurge, former alpha [KIA]
Glen "First Light" Coelho - Fostern Fianna Ragabash [KIA]
Maria "Hornet's Nest" Hawkes -Cliath Fostern Uktena Ragabash [KIA]
Corey "Gears of War, Spark Gap" Seger -Fostern Cliath Fostern Glass Walker Ahroun, former alpha [resigned]
Rabid Jack Rabbit "Law in War" - Cliath Bone Gnawer Philodox [ ]
Allied Kinfolk
Lola Hawkes [Uktena]
Evan Reese [Glass Walker]
Samantha Evans [Glass Walker]*
various Fianna NPCs
Heck yes! If you like sneaking around, booze-fueled arguments about Middle-Earth, or surviving encounters with the Wyrm by the skin of your teeth, then this pack is probably for you.
* Only because Hector thinks she and Tamsin are lesbians. She might really be under Desert Oracles' protection. Whatever. She does what she wants.
Totem: Fog
Type: Wisdom
Traits: Children of Fog may add an extra dice to Subterfuge and Stealth Dice Pools. They also receive -1 difficulty to all Occult and Enigmas rolls and gain the Gift: Curse of Aeolus.
Ban: If a child of Fog ever reveals a secret to someone outside her sept, she loses one Willpower point permanently.
Purpose: First ones in, last ones out.
Hector "Echoes of the Lost" Ghosh - Fostern Uktena Galliard, Alpha
Tamsin "Cinder Song, Furious Lament" Hall - Cliath Fianna Galliard
Thomas "Thunder's Cry Echoes from the Sea" Delacroix - Cliath Shadow Lord Galliard
Willow "Ismene, Eyes in the Dark" Sanna - Fostern Black Fury Theurge, former alpha [KIA]
Glen "First Light" Coelho - Fostern Fianna Ragabash [KIA]
Maria "Hornet's Nest" Hawkes -
Corey "Gears of War, Spark Gap" Seger -
Rabid Jack Rabbit "Law in War" - Cliath Bone Gnawer Philodox [ ]
Allied Kinfolk
Lola Hawkes [Uktena]
Evan Reese [Glass Walker]
Samantha Evans [Glass Walker]*
various Fianna NPCs
Heck yes! If you like sneaking around, booze-fueled arguments about Middle-Earth, or surviving encounters with the Wyrm by the skin of your teeth, then this pack is probably for you.
* Only because Hector thinks she and Tamsin are lesbians. She might really be under Desert Oracles' protection. Whatever. She does what she wants.