08-20-2014, 07:15 PM
[Jamie told me to put this here so we could all laugh at Pan trying to text so enjoy!]
Tuesday evening, probably while she's still eating quietly at a greasy spoon across from a disheveled apprentice, Sid sends a text to one Pan Echverría:
Gave your pager # to someone w/questions re: the war and opponents of our side. Seems desperate for someone to tell him they're reasonable.
And a few minutes later:
Just checked tina louise. If you haven't seen, more info there.
And she thinks to herself: God I hope he gets the reference.
Tuesday evening, probably while she's still eating quietly at a greasy spoon across from a disheveled apprentice, Sid sends a text to one Pan Echverría:
Gave your pager # to someone w/questions re: the war and opponents of our side. Seems desperate for someone to tell him they're reasonable.
And a few minutes later:
Just checked tina louise. If you haven't seen, more info there.
And she thinks to herself: God I hope he gets the reference.