(04-21-2014, 11:53 AM)niko Wrote: [[PS: Noel, if you EVER have questions about anything, please please please, do not be afraid to ask those questions. Nobody here wants you to feel frustration or worry over any of your characters' advancement/progress.]]
And, while I know Grace has Kalen trying to explain things to her, feel absolutely free to ask me to clarify OOC what the Hell rule he is interpreting through his pretty specialized IC filter.
Um. Or anyone with the fortune/misfortune to have Kalen mentoring them in any capacity. I will absolutely not be offended if you need me to tell you OOC about anything so you understand how it works in print, because...yeah. Kalen. He makes less sense in conversation than I do, and I know I can be hard to follow. I played in a game where I was the Mage novice for a long time, so I default assume you know the setting better than me OOC - if you have questions, ask. If you ask me and I don't know and can't remember where to look we can go crying to Sam together because Mage is hard.
05-25-2014, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 05-25-2014, 08:57 PM by Samael.)
Hey, remember when we were talking about this? I haven't forgotten it; I've just been going back and forth and really weighing options before I decided what to do.
Ultimately I want this to be your guys' game. Yes, I make the rulings and such, but I want you guys to get what you want out of it and your guys' debates, votes and such are important. So I factored all of those in and considered alternative suggestions besides All or Nothing.
Ahem. Anyway. So, I have done a thing like Whit suggested in other games, and it works but it is a bit of a hassle and requires some extra tracking and hashmark-making. Which isn't entirely my favorite thing. It's a good idea when it's a small group but for a group of 20 PCs it would become a little unwieldy.
So as we're split, I have decided to lower the Arete XP cost to CR x 6 per Niko's compromise idea. It isn't a perfect system but it does alleviate the burden some and allows for raising your enlightenment level to become a bit less expensive, while leaving the Sphere cost in place so Mages don't go wacky wild mad powerful too quickly.
All active PCs that have gone through Seekings have had the difference in XP between the old and new cost refunded to their character sheets. If I missed you, please let me know.
Thanks for your patience peeps! I appreciate it and I really appreciate everyone who shared their thoughts.
"The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men have too many rules."
"Good men don't need rules. And today's not the day to find out why I have so many."