09-12-2015, 03:03 PM
"When we lose our myths we lose our place in the universe."
-Madeleine L'Engle
-Madeleine L'Engle
Hey guys! With the conclusion of the first part of the Ouroboros SL, I have a little interlude planned that's going to kick off my second storyline. This SL will be different from that one in a lot of ways. It's going to focus on adventuring and mythic elements, and will be broken up into periodic chapters.
The first chapter will most likely be happening the week of the 20th through the 26th, and it will involve umbral travel. I'm planning to run at least 3 scenes back-to-back (possibly with pauses, if they're necessary) so anyone who signs up for this should be aware that it will require pretty much a week-long commitment (though it doesn't have to actually take the entire week if you have a day in there that doesn't work.) It might work out to only 3 days, but I suspect it will go a little long, as these things tend to do.
I am restricting participation for each chapter of this SL to no more than 2 PCs. However, I have a lot of chapters planned, so anyone who wants to get involved totally can, provided we can make scheduling work. Future chapters will be set in all kinds of locations and deal with different challenges and NPCs, so I will try to select scenarios that I think the characters involved might have fun with. The one caveat is that this SL is one of those stories that sort of requires the PCs to actively choose to participate, so it might be a little more difficult to rope in those who don't have much personal motivation. But that said, if anyone really wants to participate but needs some help motivating their character, let me know and I'll see what I can think up. Initially I'll probably be handling the whole 'drawing other characters into the story' thing by just having someone already involved be like "hey, do you want to help us with this thing?"
The chapters of this SL will be intermittent. I'll be running them when I have the time and motivation, so there will probably be long breaks between them. As far as this chapter goes, I'm also restricting it to characters who have at least Spirit 2, since it will take place in the umbra (and without Spirit 2, characters would be kind of hopelessly limited in that environment.) If you don't make it into this one, don't worry. There will be lots more chances in the future.
So! I have two slots to fill. If you'd like to snag one, let me know. And if you'd like to sign up for spots in future chapters, just wave your hand at me and I'll put you on the list.
[And for reference: yes, this is the SL that Henry keeps teasing.]